Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Yokoo Tube

Sometimes youtube throws up some true greatness from some dark corner of the world, and it more than makes up for all the clips of fat kids pulling Jedi moves, or German teenagers rapping to Xzibit...today youtube produced a real rare treat in the form of some vintage classic animations from one of my absolute all time heavy hitting heroes - Tadanori Yokoo!
For those of you who dont know who he is, Tadanori Yokoo is one of those designers/artists whose sixties work perfectly sums up that era for me with their graphic pop style. NY had the Pushpin studio (Chwast, Glaser et all...), europe had Peelleart Edelmann and Creepax...Japan had Tadanori Yokoo....and i absolutly love it all (and this is my little blog after all).
Yokoo is a fucking legend that still works to this day (although retired from design, he focus on his fine art, but to me its all pretty damn fine art). Yokoo has always put out 1000% amazingamazingamzing work - from pyschy landscapes that could still dominate Deitch projects today to work that leans on Blake or Hockney.
Hes one of those artists that has a real strong back catalogue of work, varying across many themes and styles - basically he just shows up most people around... an absolute fucking genius...anyway, before i can crawl anymore up his arse, heres his sixties animations...

Monday, July 30, 2007


At fucking last!!!
BAST, whohas long long been one of my favourites working in the last ten years has gone got himself a website!
I think out of the whole Banksy/Faile 'scene', he's the one i would spend my imaginary millions on becuase i think he's the shit. I do wish i was a millionare though, so i could, i would buy some of his original work (ON A SIDENOTE ----- anybody know of any good jobs going? i wanna move onto pastures new and leave my current employer...hit me up there are any good leads out there! merci...anyway back to Bast)
I love his fucking up of screenprints, his griminess, his constant new fresh ideas rather than lingering on to a logo like too many artists out there...and i guess its just that basic primal thing where i just love his stuff, many of you probably dont dig his shit, but i do, in a big big way....check out his awesome website NOW!

Long time coming...

I think London has waited too long for this...London get ready for this...a show that will be truly awesome...and no i'm not involved! More details soon...


Its true what they say, 'when you stop looking for it you will find it'. Some say that when they're having shitty luck with the opposite sex, but on saturday day it turned true for me when it came to finding a great artists work for the first time.
I stumbled across a book of GUIDO CREPAX, one of the euro masters of 60s-70s euro comics.
I had always loved Guy Peellaert (some of you my have the playgroup 'make it happen' 12"?), and i love pysch/ sixties comics...so finding a new maestro was a fucking great thing for me.
Mixing art deco style, sixties bubblegum references and more (is that the creature from naked lunch in one panel?) with just fantastic black and white style, this guy is stone cold super fucking good.
He later went on to do 'adult comics' which doesnt float my boat, as i think its fucking weird and wrong to get your kicks from a comic (it doesnt half reek of beardy old pervs with inky pens)...but you gotta admit some of his work is super slick. Interestingly from certain images in the book i got, and from what else of his work i have been seeing, Guido Creepax was knocking out stuff in the late sixties and early seventies that eerily closely resembles Frank Millers SIN CITY ladies and style...so if you like that, you gotta do yourself a favour and check out GUIDO CREPAX

Seen this?

Alternative video for Kanye, by Zach Galifianakis featuring Will Oldham (!!!), seems like he has made a turn after his MTV video embarresment when he brought the beef to Ed Banger....this video is about the further point away from his latest big-budget-akira-ripping promo...

Wednesday, July 25, 2007








Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I love Wes Anderson. Rushmore. Life Aquatic. Bottle Rocket....who doesnt?
News reaches me of a new film by him set in India, and this excites me no end...however the trailer for 'The Darjeeling Limited' hasnt bowled me over as i thought it would (..it seems a bit wishy washy emo sibling love snore...) but at the end of the day its still Wes Anderson and i have the utmost confidence in him...bring it on!

Monday, July 23, 2007


Once again Bfree KILLS IT...reason again why hes one of the big dogs in this kennel we call -ahem- 'art'...and a personal all time favourite (as both drinking buddy & artist).
This show has fake grass and 'a 4x6,5 mtrs painting on wood pannels in the back of it and I painted this sleeping character on the window.. '...basically BFree has brought the great stuff... yet again...Gimme Gimme ...
More Pictures here...

Melody Caribou

My excitement for Caribou / Manitoba is getting high...why? After a long abscence of live dates i have now got tickets locked for his bardens boudoir gig and the Field day pysch festival...needless to say im as happy as a hippy at a Levellers Phish double bill.
In honour of my hypeness i post this video of his tune that has soundtracked this summer so far (whenever the rain subsides)...and i gotta say this video is deja vu for me, it reminds me of a time before MTV was widely had, and i would geek out over early nineties grunge rock like Slint or the Pixies and id finally catch the video to my favourite tune, and the video would seem a complete 180 from the tone of the song, it had a low budget with high art sensibilities and always always was filmed in a fucking quarry...awesome tune though...

oh and if you havent got this LP - YOU NEED IT



Link first spotted from the Urban Outfitters blog(big up Ed!)

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Printed matter Round up

Here are some printed matter that i caught this weekend that i highly reccomend to anyone who wants to get some good shit on their shelf...

No.1- Backjumps live issue 3.
This is a thick old book for this years Backjumps festival in Berlin...and if you catch this blog regularly you know that i LOVE BACKJUMPS! This book is fucking great and it squeezes in great image after great image...for 200 plus pages! Well designed, super nice paper stock (for the nerds out there) this book is an instant winner...but the best thing is this...i have this book in my hands, buts its a limited edition that was out for the backjumps festival..and they are putting out a more definitive book soon, with pictures of the actual exhibition pieces, installation/work in progress pictures and a full retrospective of previous shows (featuring Banksy, Os Gemeos, Delta etc)...they say that it will be at least double the book that i have - so thats fat old 400+ pages! In a world where urban / street art books are more common than flies round dogshit its a welcome change where the book is actually really really really good and highly worth getting!

No.2 - [untitled]
Over the weekend some people met in East London and converged to make a zine together in a few hours. They all brought work and over some music and drink, they created this...it hasnt a name (even though it has on the cover 'this is our time' it hasnt an official name) and the names of the people who put this together are not advertised, but is has some nice short stories about northern soul 45s and love, skatephotos, comics...the whole lot. Only 120 copies printed...but not available in shops or anywhere i think...BUT i have 3 copies spare, and if you would like to be one of the three, then put your name and email in the comments box, and the first three names and emails i will contact and youll get sent a copy

No.3-Life In Magik
A cool little Brian Chippendale-esque slice of rad pyschness, its by Leon Sandler and is really funny, really nicely printed little comic...try here for more information...

No.4 - Comics Comics
A BIG newspaper magazine from the awesome picturebox, it has some great articles on subjects ranging from how comic writing is linked to reincarnation, the awesome Guy Davies, Steve Gerber and more...not just for comic nerds (as i suspect many of you are probably thinking)..great articles, great images and as said its in a satisfying large newspaper format - as my fat cat Sparky models the 'cat to newspaper' sizing for you

Rat Hospital

Rat fink Ed roth...what can i say? Legend instantly springs to mind...Big Daddy Roth has a new documentary out soon (way overdue) and this friday (27th) the Horse Hospital in central London is having a night of Ed Roth festivites to help launch it..which obviously means the evening will be awesome...

Friday 27th July - 7:30pm - £7/£5 mems & concs

Dir. Ron Mann, 2006
From the award-winning director of COMIC BOOK CONFIDENTIAL and GRASS comes TALES OF THE RAT FINK, Ron Mann's wildly inventive bio about Renaissance man Ed "Big Daddy" Roth, who engineered a shift in mid-twentieth century culture with his customized cars, "monster" T-shirts and America's alternative rodent - "Rat Fink".
The subject of Tom Wolfe's essay "The Kandy Kolored Tangerine Flake Streamline Baby", Ed Roth helped fuel the "Kustom Kulture" / Hot rod movement of the 1960s in Southern California. Hot Rodding grew from crude backyard engineering where performance was the bottom line into a refined art form where aesthetics were equally important.
Mann's largely animated documentary features the voice talents of John Goodman, Ann-Margret, Jay Leno, Brian Wilson, Tom Wolfe, Matt Groening, Robert Williams, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Paul LeMat, Billy F Gibbons, and The Smothers Brothers.

+ Ken Hollings in conversation with Edwin Pouncey (AKA Savage Pencil) about Ed Roth.

Dir. Roger K. Burton, 2006

how much do i want one of the sweatshirs seen in the trailer? LOTS!

Friday, July 20, 2007

UK shows...

and London....

PS Don't forget! London! 16th August...Old Shoreditch Station...9pm-1am...'ANOTHER GROUP SHOW' by me,the Dilly...shaping up to be GREAT!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Marcus Walters & Supermundane present....

Ryan F

The always fantastic Jesuisunebandejeunes has a new hot portfolio on their website, one Ryan F...go there!

Royal greatness

It seems like zine culture in Europe is going through a rennaissance at the moment and in England one of the great websites doing great things to help this is Cafe Royal.
Cafe Royal is run by the awesome Craig Atkinson and his wife Joanne, and their site sells must have zines and is always somewhere to go when you want to melt your credit card. They publish their own stuff too, and the site features Craigs own handywork in illustration form... i cant stress how nice and cool Cafe Royal is! So head over there (via the link below) and pick up some fantastic hand picked zines and support the zine scene!
Cafe Royal

Monday, July 16, 2007


Another issue of Arkitip another must have...this time its really really good...really good... with the latest issue of Arkitip you get a free Kaws original fake laptop incase (limited to 2000 pieces)! As all you guys know, anything Kaws or Original Fake flies off the shelves and gets re-sold for major £$€ so basically get it as soon as you can! So $65 (£32.50)? BOUGHT!
PS cheers Craig for my cockup re:price!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

48 nudes..

A new comic to go and pick up...well a comic in the loosest sense....Ashley Woods 48 nudes...when it folds out its comes to 11"x30"! Nice!

Interesting homesick blues...

Todd Haynes who did that Velvet Goldmine film with Ewen McGregor, is making a new film on Dylan, and its gonna be extra special because... a) Dylan himself has given it his approval, and b) unlike those shitty Johnny Cash, Ray Charles movies where they glamorise the artist beyond any of their legendary shithead qualities, this film is aiming to give a better look at the personality of the musician...how? by getting different actors to play different parts of Dylans life, and when i mean different actors i mean DIFFERENT actors....or should i even say actors at all? Because in the clip below Cate Blanchett plays Dylan meeting Allan Ginsberg.... all in all it looks like a diffrent and very interesting take on the stale music bio film...and doing new shit is always a good thing

PS Tobias Funke as Ginsberg! hell yes!

Saturday, July 14, 2007


Its saturday, time for saturday cartoons, so its time to get a few of you watching some good ones by an underrated great....
He did an Amon Duul video, which automatically makes him great in my book...no, it does...really!.....
He made perhaps the most intense cartoon death outside of Disney in his Fritz the cat...?

He went done cool kids cartoons..

And he gone made not kid cartoons...

Many of you know him for his Lord of the Rings movie...and no its not Peter Jackson...

Basically if you love amon duul, pysch, robert crumb, sixties superheroes, rad fantasy and drugs..then.you like Ralph Bakshi! VIVA RALPH BASKSHI
PS he did put out a lot of shit (A LOT!), but the good stuff he did still makes him a legend and worthy of posting...

Hedi blog

Nice pictures being taken from perhaps the worlds most feted rock'n'roll designer of the moment Hedi Slimane, check his diary...

Friday, July 13, 2007

Travis Millard

I dont need an excuse to post the great Travis Millard, but today i have a very good reason - hes dropped a book, Hey Fudge, and it looks amazing....but of course it always was gonna be nothing but amazing!...fully covering his gallery work and his comics.. this is the definition of a no brainer...