Wednesday, April 11, 2007


hello everyone, sorry about the no updates recently, but ive been a busy landlord evicting unwanted illness from my body...but thankfully ive got back to full strength in time for this little peach!
say what you will about VIce magazine, old blue last patrons and whatever else you want to get off your chest but you have to admit that the old blue last has got a fucking amazing history of live events and this is the cherry on the cake for of my genuine heroes Ian Svenonius is giving a reading and djing upstairs from 8pm this friday. Hes the suave dude currently rocking VBS 'soft focus' (which sucks as it never works) and is all out greatness (rollins? mackaye? WK?)...nation of ulysees is one of my favorite all time bands, but add to that the make up and weird war and you got a certified god...go friday night and be in the presence of a legend!

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