Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Print roundup 01

You can never get bored of good people doing good things, just mad excited....
1- Marcus Oakleys first book!!!
Monster Children Visual OG Joesph Allens imprint has dropped Marcus Oakleys first book and it looks a stunner!!! Its beautiful man, when two friends have a lovely baby together - congratulations (and if you havent already, look around Joesphs wonderful website showing his other printed creations)
Iz Rock pressings

2-Cafe Royal!!!
Dilly hearts Cafe Royal...and we still give the postman the evil eyes after the post office lost some of Craig Atkinsons work after the last group show...but coming strong hard and looking on top fighting form is this second essential tome....SUPER GUT!
Cafe Royal

Bonus -
Parra did a recent show in Barcelona and theres a small catalogue to go with it for €6 which is a must get really...Vallery

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