Monday, April 27, 2009

Zine Round Up

Heres some zines ive been lucky enough to be sent even though i havent blogged in fucking ages...thats a bad lesson for life - do fuck all and get rewarded!!!

1. 'Hollow girls' by Lonny

Pinkyvision press 001... the first output from Brighton based Pinkyvision press...and yes, if you havent guessed it already, its run by the papercut wizard and Hull legend Pinky (winner of coolest hair three years in a row...)...but this isn't his own artwork, but a collection of fantastic prose by his awesome Wife, Lonny.
Now, i'll be honest here, I have never been a fan of poetry. I studied A level English Literature, so i like my words, but with poetry i just dont get it, we dont get dogshit on velour, we aint bed buddies...I've tried, but i can never enjoy or understand poetry...however, this collection of poems is worlds away from most poetry ive been exposed too - its honest, down to earth (i.e not pretentious and easy to read), funny, warm, brutally honest and also reads like lyrics to the best punk album never recorded. This is the kind of poetry i wanna read more of...rather than pretentious musings about a fig leaf on an ocean or some bullshit, its really involving, sweet and generally awesome...this is the kind of shit they should make kids in school read to get into poetry, not some commie bastard.
Sorry if i sound like a poetry hater, but i guess i am a little, but this zine definatly turned me round and got me loving the poetry in this, well done Lonnie! more please!
PS with this and the Serps latest release, its awesome that the self publishing world is turning to the written word...

2. Dave the Chimp 'Celebrity Poetry', 'Lives of the Painters in prose' & 'Love Bites'

When Dave is not destroying fotolog haters, skating round berlin or doing this or this, he also does awesome comic strips - as often seen in the always essential free Stool Pigeon.
Recently he sent me some of his hilarious comics which he casually knocks out - which always KOs me...the amount of one liners he comes up with, and puts out is ever funny, inventive and awesome.

1 comment:

Cosmo said...

Love the Lichtenstein strip...