Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Printed matter Round up pt3

Again, i have been blessed by you readers, and especially those creating fine fine those who sent the following to me - THANK YOU!!!

Samuel Francois is one talented guy, not only is he one of my favourite artists, but he is also one hell of a witnessed here with a publication featuring various artists such as Nano4814, Joe83, Stefan Marx, Aurelien Arbet, Jeremie Egry and Olivier Kosta-Thefaine (aka Stak to those that dont know...). All the work is a response to the them of REBEL, and every artist has responded with truly fantastic work. Such a fucking good publication.
I dont know you would go about copping a copy but you could try the publishers here...

This is the catalogue for their farewell show in Barcelona, and as expected, its fucking rowdy (i.e great). Each of the three is amazing on ther own, but together they're just straight up jaw dropping. Again, as with REBEL, i dont know how you would get a copy, but perhaps try the gallery (and again, as with REBEL - you wanna try!)- Galeria Victor Saavedra

Stephen Eichorn
Eichorn is a talent working in America that deserves to be huge, and this small publication helps show why...its a catalogue to his show 'Tristes Tropiques' at Bucket Rider gallery in Chicago. Intense, beautiful, super detailed collages of flowers and foliage thrown back together to create new abstract pieces...for the collage heads out there, its as detailed and amazing as it comes..great.
To get a copy, try Stephen Eichorn

Browner-Knowle issue2
YES! The latest comic but one of my favourite comic artists working on the underground scene at the moment - west country don Paul Ashely Brown! Again, in issue two, this is a collection of great observations of everyday peoples lives. Funny, sad...its got it all without coming across as cheap or explotative...just the kind of work that knocks all the other comics you've read recently out the water, as it has what they lack - depth. Memorable, but for all the right reasons, get one by emailing

Porridge Wogs by Cedar Lewishon
Porridge Wogs is a small zine showcasing some of Cedar's artistic friends - Astrid Sourkova, Andrew Gilbert and Rabiya Choudry. Its always nice to see new work by artists you didnt know but my favourite part of this zine is the interview with Andrew Gilbert. Andrew's work in the zine is based on the Zulu tribes and the English occupation of Africa. In the interview, Andrew is highly read up on this period and gives a fascinating read that was more insightful and fascinating than the history channel (which is one of my favourite tv channels!)...for example, did you know that if a zulu warrior killed in battle, his soul would not be clean until he had sex with a woman? no? now you do thanks to Andrew Gilbert....Cheers!

Exquisite Corpse
Dave the Chimp, fotologs most loved/hated, has blessed us with a new series of zines taking fun to well known artists...before he used to do DANG with Kabe, where he invited artists he knew/liked, to get super stoned and doodle on a giant piece of paper...the results were classic ...and now he is bringing out Exquisite Corpse...a fresh take on something we all used to play.
When you were a kid you would fold a piece of paper five times, then someone would draw the head, then fold it so it couldnt be seen, then someone drew the upperbody, then fold it so it couldnt be seen etc etc until at the end you unfolded it and there was a really weird, funny new character born??? well thats what hes done here, but instead of playground kids...this zine has people like Will Barras and Alex one! (The fun part is trying to dissect who did what...)